Dr. Keith Ablow is a compass point on today’s complicated American landscape. Known to many from appearances on television and radio as a charismatic psychiatrist with practical advice, his latest approach to coping with crisis is dispensed in literary form. “Trump Your Life” is Ablow’s most recent addition to his list of best-selling books. Co-written with communication expert Christian Josi, the book’s Forward was contributed by President Trump’s controversial consultant and friend, Roger Stone.
Zooming-in for a virtual check-up with the doctor led to an hour’s worth of punctuation marks about the Trump mystique and American dystopia. Typically an optimist, Ablow now sees dark days on America’s horizon as the definition of our Nation is being rewritten by those who want certain citizens to remain disempowered and disenfranchised. Speaking metaphorically, he compared the well-being of the U.S. to a patient diagnosed with cancer. As the disease progresses, eradication of the infiltrate requires commitment and bold intervention. He fears erosion of our core values and dismemberment of the Constitution are cannibalizing our civilization. Observing society’s suffering, Ablow continues to believe Trump’s direction offered the best course for systemic recovery.
“Trump Your Life” thumb-sketches 25 life-lessons highlighting some of the ordinary and extra-ordinary challenges Donald Trump faced and embraced as catalysts for personal, professional and political success. Road-mapping a range of human experiences, the easy-reader tracks traits of triumph to employ when days of crisis inevitably become reality. The book begins with a pep-talk of sorts. Lesson #1 promotes an old-fashioned, energetic work-ethic as the spring-board for positive results.
That thesis is foundational for subsequent chapters that outline broad-brush character development to amplify reliance on originality, courage and faith. This book is not a love letter to the President, it acknowledges Trump’s missteps and uses each set-back to frame a come-back story. Intending to promote autonomy of thought and personal growth, the authors dedicated their book to YOU, the reader, to build on self-confidence.
Ablow explained the context of the book was not conceived as an academic abstract, but rather a quest for inspiration. He, Christian Josi and Rodger Stone have publicly faced personal and professional crises of monumental proportion. Seeking solace, they translated Trumpian skills into a pattern of reflection and redirection. Like the President, they are committed to rebounding from adversity. Distilling the core of crisis-containment, Ablow said an alternative to capitulating to catastrophe is to label problems as ” Interesting”. The nucleus of the idea empowers anyone to harness creative problem-solving skills rather than give into immobilizing pain. For Ablow, rethinking a painful situation can lead to a powerful and positive outcome.
It’s Ablow’s expectation President Trump will leave office fully aware of his list of historic accomplishments and capable of directing his creative energies towards reimagining a future in ways we haven’t anticipated. Donald Trump’s path forward may or may not include public service. However, to continue his mission of protecting the Constitution and ensuring American values remain intact, Ablow suggests we renounce insidious trends towards socialism. Until a clear-eyed leader of mental and intellectual capacity is in office, it’s our moral imperative to speak-up for freedom of speech, thought and the right to read what we choose.
There’s a ring of truth printed on every page of “Trump Your Life.” The challenge of reading the short book is to see days of adversity as “Interesting” opportunities to activate creativity that leads to a brighter future for YOU, your loved ones, and America.
Learn more about Dr. Ablow and The Ablow Center at https://www.pain-2-power.com/

Dr. Ablow weighing in on the best qualifications for leadership October 2016
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Just ordered 3 copies of this book, I can’t wait to read it!