Finally, The White House Gardens and South Grounds are opening again for Spring Tours! This season’s tour weekends are; Saturday March 26th, Saturday April 9th, and Sunday April 10th.

Tours are free and open to the public; however a ticket is required for all attendees, including small children.

Each day at 8:30 AM/ET the National Park Service distributes the timed tickets at a tent near the Ellipse Visitor’s Pavilion .( across from the White House)

Tickets will be distributed, one ticket per person, on a first-come, first serve basis.

Tours begin at 10:00 AM and end at 4:30


White House Rose Garden 5/7/ 2018


White House Rose Garden 5/7/2018


White House Rose Garden 5/7/2018


Tours of the White House interior will begin again on April 15th, 2022!  Those tours will be offered from 8:00 AM – 12:30 PM only on Fridays and Saturdays.

Congressional Tour Coordinators began accepting tour reservations this week. All White House tours are free of charge. Tour requests are scheduled on a first come, first served basis and must be submitted through a Member of Congress and their Congressional Tour Coordinator. Tour requests must be  submitted a minimum of 21 days in advance and no more than 90 days in advance of the requested tour date.  Reservations will not be accepted for tour dates outside this 21-90 day window.

White House Rose Garden May 2018

Constituents may reach your Member of Congress and Congressional Tour Coordinator through the U,S.House of Representative’s; Switchboard at :202-225-3121, the U.S. Senate Switchboard at 202-224-3121 or online at www.congress.gov/members,

White House Rose Garden 5/7/2018


“She’s ” at the White House.


Visit the White House however you can, whenever you can. No matter your political affiliation, American history lives on 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, DC.

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